Wed 14 Dec 2005
It’s time for another exciting episode of Animal Names vs. Sex Organ Euphemisms!
Okay, contestants…
is it A.) an actual animal name, or B.) a euphemism for sex organs
1. Auger-headed gut wrench
2. Bald-headed hermit
3. Bearded clam
4. Bed snake
5. Blind snake
6. Box jellyfish
7. Bush rusher
8. Carpet shark
9. Chin-strap penguin
10. Clown stink bug
11. Cock-of-the-rock
12. Crotch mackerel
13. Dik-dik
14. False heath fritillary butterfly
15. Firm worm
16. Furback turtle
17. Gutted hamster
18. Hairy-nosed wombat
19. Hoopoe
20. Kookooyumyumpoon
21. Lady dagger
22. Lumpsucker
23. Muzzled bulldog
24. One-eyed hip snake
25. Oxpecker
26. Pale chub
27. Pocket gopher
28. Porkfish
29. Purple-headed belly ripper
30. River cooter
31. Schipperke
32. Schnickel
33. Smew
34. Smoo
35. Splooge moose
36. Stinkpot
37. Tang fish
38. Throat spackler
39. Trouser trout
40. Woolen bivalve
Answers are below.
Rate your score:
1-10 correct = Way to go, Chicken Choker. Watch the fucking Discovery channel once in a while, so you can at least know which of these are animals, instead of pulling your pud looking at the underwear section of your mom’s Sears catalogue.
11-20 correct = Not bad, Cocker Spankiel. You probably knew more of the sex euphemisms than the animal names, because you probably don’t watch the Discovery Channel except to look for native ginch. But do you even know what euphemism means?
21-30 correct = Pretty clever, Hump Monkey. You probably some wrong because you thought they were ALL sex organ euphemisms. But there’s a good chance you’ve actually hunted some of them.
31-39 correct = Nice job, Brainy Beaver. The few that you got wrong have only given you something new to search for on your next scrunt hunt!
40 correct = Congratulations, Smellyfish. But chances are you only got them all right because you knew exactly which ones were animals and eliminated the rest. You watch way too much Discovery Channel, and you need to get laid, nerd!
Eht slamina era xis, thgie hguorht nevele, neettriht, neetruof, neetnin, ytnewt-owt, ytnewt-evif hguorht ytnewt-thgie, ytriht, ytriht-eno, dna ytriht-eerht.
Eht gnals snagro era eno hguorht evif, neves, evlewt, neetfif hguorht neethgie, ytnewt, ytnewt-eno, ytnewt-eerht, ytnewt-ruof, ytnewt-enin, ytriht-owt, dna ytriht-ruof hguorht ytrof, hguohtla yna fo eseht nac ylisae eb desu sa seman rof sexob dna seskcoc.
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
More "Best Of": Animals vs. Sex Euphamisms
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